I never know what I'll find when I look in the big box of stickers each day.
This morning, I closed my eyes, put my hand in the box, and up came a ghastly sight ... a full-color bumper sticker unlike any you've ever seen before ...
The Ghouligans is an episodic monster comedy series starring Boris, Wolfgang, Bob Tutenkamin, Count Fleming, Krill Gill, the Ghouli-Girls, the Monsterettes, and the Zombies (of course), along with a host of other cast (dis)members. You've never seen anything like this, my friends.
Take a moment to soak this up. Ghouligan Krill Gill as Tuna Montana, a.k.a.: "SCARFISH" ...
Craving more? Here's the teaser trailer for The Ghouligan's new mini-series, coming this summer ...
The Ghouligans have produced dozens of videos so far, but I haven't tripped into a rendition of Bobby Boris Picket's 1962 smash hit ...