July 11, 2012

Meet DJ Dimples; a twenty-something, vivacious entrepreneur and female mogul in the making who, since the better half of 2002, has been making her moniker well-known amongst the likes of the entertainment industry elite. From her MTV Video Music Awards South Beach appearance to her upcoming projects in Amsterdam (Holland), Dimples definitely has her finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry and that’s only when she’s not the reason for it. Aside from numerous industry awards and nominations, including SEA’s Female DJ of the Year three consecutive years, Dj Dimples has spun a record in over 50 cities across the U.S. including but not limited to: New York, Atlanta, Chicago, New Jersey, Philadelphia, D.C., Maryland and The Carolinas. As the sole creator of SweetHeat Miami, this year marks the fun-filled weekend’s fifth year of existence on sunny South Beach, Florida. With upcoming projects ranging from Puerto Rico to the capital of the Netherlands, Dimples is on a quest to provide the absolute highest quality of entertainment and her media conglomerate, 2Fly Entertainment & Marketing, is sure to prove just why this female DJ turned Entertainment power-player, will soon be a household name.Wow, she has got it going on. The Sweetheat party sounds like a crazy good time, right? Makes us wish for the 20-20-20 factor: 20 years younger, 20 pounds lighter, 20 levels cooler. Because enthusiasm can only take you so far.