November 30, 2016
This Thursday and Friday, December 1st & 2nd, DevOpsDays Sydney is gathering together with custom kiss cut event stickers on our white stock. It has the gear-and-cog graphics of all DevOpsDays, but it features a multi-colored design on a circle-topped square shape that somewhat mimics the silhouette of the iconic Sydney opera house. With bold colors and clean lines, this sticker will pop off the back of a laptop, an office window, or anywhere that the user sticks it.
DevOps, or development and operations, is a movement that promotes the collaboration and communication of software developers, business managers, and other information-technology (IT) professionals, while also automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. The DevOps project aims to create a culture where the business of technology (building, testing, and releasing software) can happen rapidly, more often, and more reliably. Enter DevOpsDays, a volunteer-run, global organization that brings the spirit of DevOps to the masses with conferences uniting people from across the software spectrum.
The program for DevOpsDays Sydney is packed with sessions, speakers, brainstorming and tea(!). We want to send out a huge thanks to the organizing team behind the scenes, and all of the speakers who have given their time and will be on stage presenting to the crowd. And of course, to everyone on site this weekend: Have fun and get your learn on.