October 20, 2011

Maybe there's something in the air as Halloween approaches? As with the folks at KillMoreZombies.com, our friends at Daddi O Smoke & Skate Shop are also incognito (at least online). Tell us the zombies aren't skaters, too?
Anywho, Halloween is just around the corner, and if you don't have a costume yet, hop to it! There are so many cute and funny ideas for kids' costumes these days. No pressure, but if your kid goes out in a sheet with a couple of holes cut in it, well, Charlie Brown knows how your kid is gonna feel.
And for goodness sakes, what about the pets? Does Rufus have a costume yet? What about Fluffy? Looks like you'd better get your DIY on!
Speaking of costumes, allow us to step on the soap box for a moment. Exactly what is up with the trend of making just about any Halloween costume
an opportunity to put the lady goods on display? You know what we're talking about: naughty nurse, French maid, sexy bee. That's right: one year, we saw a woman dressed up as a sexy BEE. Even worse? This year's topical sexy costume is of
a recently-assassinated terrorist (no joke). This has to stop! Let's take a deep breath and get reasonable, people.