In the wide world of the web, there are what seem to be a bazillion companies trying to get your money under the guise of help, but CyberChimps is definitely one company that puts its banana - er, money - where its mouth is when it comes to valuable skills that can help a website come alive.
Since 2010, CyberChimps has been helping WordPress users develop fantastic, responsive themes for their sites that are also compatible with just about every digital device. For those that depend on blogging and everyday website use, this is a niche market that is taking the internet by force and doesn’t look like it has plans of stopping anytime soon!
But it’s not all about the serious business of theme creation - CyberChimps have a playful side, too, as you can see from their quirky monkey friend and understated logo. Serious on one hand, creative and funny on the other? A winning combination for a strong company that’s heading in the right direction.
Want more information on how CyberChimps can help you? Check out their website.
Are you going bananas trying to get people to notice your business? Grab some custom stickers as CyberChimps have!