We need a better conversation about politics in this country. That’s why we launched Crooked Media—to talk about politics in a way that doesn’t make you want to throw your phone out the window – with shows and analysis and other forms of sweet, sweet content that inform, entertain, and inspire action. No, we’re not unbiased, we’re not always serious and we’re certainly not always right. But we promise a no-bullshit conversation about politics and culture where you can laugh, cry, scream, ridicule us daily, share your ideas, and hopefully decide that you want to help fix this mess too. That’s it. End of mission.
"Friend of the Pod" Custom Stickers
November 14, 2017
From the people that once wrote speeches for the 44th President of the United States of America comes this custom podcast promotional sticker.
What better way to promote your brand and build an audience than empowering them to proclaim their fandom with a tailored message like "Friend of the Pod," which in this case references their inaugural podcast Pod Save America.
The team at Crooked Media runs a few other highly regarded podcasts, like Pod Save the World. The founders behind this venture have a long history together, as they all served as writers for President Barack Obama, either during his campaign or while he was in the White House.
Jon Favreau served as Barack Obama’s head speechwriter from 2005–2013, penning most major speeches including the Inaugural Address and the State of the Union. Jon Lovett was a speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and as a presidential speechwriter in the Obama White House, including the President’s annual remarks to the White House Correspondents Dinner. Tommy Vietor traveled the world with President Obama as his National Security Spokesman and across Iowa with then-Senator Obama as the Iowa caucuses press guy.
They've created an entire network of content and conversations, and they have a pretty bold mission.
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