August 23, 2019

HGAB Studios is a creative workspace designed for the modern creator, and their
custom sticker displays that message loud and proud: Creators Live Here.
HGAB Studios is based in Miami, and their facility includes co-working spaces and private offices where creative live and thrive. But that's not all: what sets their space apart is the multiple photo, video and podcast studios integrated within the workspace. This removes friction for creatives, because booking inside of a professional studio is both complicated and costly, and the all-in-one facility creates space for brands, content creators, agencies and influencers who strive to produce a constant stream of high-quality content.
They have a striking, but simple, sticker design. The san serif type is in all caps, which grabs the eyes. The align is top left, with plenty of negative space in black. The effect is one of opportunity, and when you think of creative work, that's exactly what it is: a chance to do something different, to fill in the blanks. At the bottom of the sticker you find the website address. A thin white border around the edge of the sticker helps highlight the black box and white type.
HGAB Studios allows for flexibility and creativity. One way that they do that is through their Meet Your Muse event series. Every month, the HGAB Studios production team redesigns, reconstructs and reimagines various photography sets designed specifically for models and photographers to use as their creative playground. Professional lighting, studio gear and friendly staff members are also readily available to enhance the experience and answer any questions along the way. This event is a unique opportunity for models and photographers to work and network alongside each other and create stunning images inside a professional photo studio.
They truly have a vision for a more creative world, one where Creators can live and succeed. The custom sticker design they've chose helps get their story out into the world in a meaningful way.