September 8, 2010

Cornhole! Cornhole cornhole cornhole! It's a popular sport here in the summer in Chicago, often coupled with beer and also known as 'bags' or 'baggo' or the boring 'bean-bag toss'. You toss these little corn-kernel-filled bags at a tilted board from a ways away and try to get them in the hole. Thus corn, and hole. Well, StickerGiant has cornhole stickers for you so you can personalize your cornhole board and make it something special.
Above, we've got a great cornhole board decorated with Toronto Blue Jays stickers. And below, we've got a proud StickerGiant customer with his custom Minnesota Vikings cornhole boards. Handsome, wouldn't you say,
and the boards aren't bad either! He sure made the most of the cornhole stickers we've got at StickerGiant.