Live in the city and want to do your part by composting your waste rather than having it all go to a landfill? Compost Cab to the rescue! For roughly eight bucks a week, will come to your home, pick up your compostable waste, and bring it to urban farms. Super cool.
The average American family tosses out hundreds of pounds of food waste each year. But it needn't go to waste. Compost Cab has been in the game since 2010, prowling the streets of Washington DC and the surrounding area with their distinctive yellow pickup truck (with checkered stripes, natch). They're gearing up to expand to Baltimore and beyond.
You've heard of the Eat Local movement? Compost Local is what's next.
3 Simple Steps
We deliver you a bin.
You fill it with your food scraps.
We pick up your organics weekly, and deliver them to a local urban farm for composting.