Comic Book Jones

July 23, 2012
Comic Book Jones
Comic-Book-Jones-Custom-Printed-Oval-Stickers-from-StickerGiant Sometimes, you just want to be a kid again. Go back to simpler times with rotary phones and skinned knees and loooong summer afternoons. A hand-me-down 7-Up tshirt, Asics Tigers, and cut-offs. Your Schwinn banana seat bike on the sidewalk. And sitting on the front porch with a grape Nehi and a stack of comics. Nowhere to be, nothing to do. Are you crying yet? Settle down, now. There, there. The Jones Family Clan of Comic Book Jones can get you a nostalgia fix and then some.
Plain and simply, we love comics and our goal is to make comics as easily accessible for as many people as humanly possible. As a result, customer service is our #1 priority and our staff is here to help you in any way. Our vast knowledge of everything from the mainstream to the obscure makes answering any questions that you might have that much easier to answer. If you're just getting back into comics or you're a hardcore reader, we are here to help. If we don't have something and you need it, we WILL get it for you by hook or by crook. We serve complimentary coffee and have a lounge where you can sit and talk comics or just plain hang out. It doesn't stop at comics though. We also carry a large variety of toys, gaming merchandise, apparel, statues and other assorted goodies. We hold a variety of different events to make your comic experience that much more enjoyable and rewarding, and we are always open to fresh ideas and new faces.
And if you can't get to Staten Island anytime soon, there's always shopping online. Beats going outside, just in case those upperclassmen bullies are waiting for you. Yeah, remember? See, childhood wasn't all good, either. Careful what you wish for, grasshopper.
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