A lot of toys for kids incorporate an educational element but having toys to teach some of the new skills children will need has become harder. That's where a subscription service called Bitsbox came up with their idea to teach kids how to code.
Bitsbox is a website and a monthly subscription box designed for kids (ages 6-12) packed full of fun materials that teach them how to code apps. Think of the children's books where they have pop out elements on some pages and pull tabs to change the picture, or scenery on the page. That is essentially what Bitsbox has done with an app that kids type in code to and it changes the animations and stories that unfold on the computer based on what they put in. Kids get to program video games, puzzles, drawing tools, music apps, simulations and more within a full-blown app development environment.
From a code book to their subscription box, they have a few options to get started with. Bitsbox puts a lot of work into each one making sure their animations are fun and they add in some bonuses to each box too, like stickers. Their stickers change from month to month, but their most recent one really stood out as an Animal House custom sticker sheet. This one sheet featured twenty individual sticker peel offs for kids to decorate their computers, tablets or somewhere Mom really didn't want them to redecorate.
Being big sponsors of coding events all around the World like WordCamps, Joomla Days and more; we are super excited to see these stickers going out of the shop to contribute to such a great educational tool for kids provided by Bitsbox.