Coco's Success

March 12, 2013
Coco's Success
Success-is-Often-Acheived-by-those-who-don't-know-that-failure-is-inevitable-Coco-Chanel-Quote Coco Chanel is best known for the Chanel suit, the little black dress, the Chanel bag, and the remarkably profitable Chanel No. 5 perfume.  A whirlwind of determination and design, Coco didn't so much change the modern fashion business, as she created it. Coco was born to an unwed mother in 1883, learned to sew at the age of six, and passed away in 1971. Needless to say, a whole lot happened in between. Adversity was met. Challenges were conquered. Coco is known for many quotes, but "success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable," is one of her finest. Full commitment to a task is often required, yet many are unwilling to put on the blinders. There are always other horses in the race. You have to run your race, not theirs, keeping your eyes on the finish line and your mind on the winners circle. For those that consider they've never achieved success, stop to think about your daily routine. From dawn 'til dusk, your day is filled with many small victories, starting with the rise from bed each morning. Be thankful for each good thing that happens every day, and take nothing for granted.    
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