When you're hosting an event, small details can pay off in a big long way. Leccare Lollipops has found a unique way to brand their handmade lollipops with product labels that customize each flavor or purpose, whether it's for a product promotion or a wedding favor.

They are a sweet shop that specializes in combining ingredients you wouldn't normally find in lollipops. They use a small batch process where they pour by hand with the best local ingredients. In the Mrs. Meyers Clean Day lollipops you see above, they went with a
clear glossy label, so the beautiful color of their lollipop shines through both the wrapper and the label. They've used glossy white labels for other products and events, where that label treatment added a custom touch for a special logo.
By allowing so many options for their customers, they've been able to make a name for their business with a quality product and a seamless experience in their online store, where the many lollipops are featured with enticing imagery and product descriptions. They have been featured by Keilhs, Anthropology, Canada Goose, Mrs. Meyers, Good Housekeeping, Jamie, Denver Weddings, Woman's Day Magazine, NJ Monthly, Southern Weddings Magazine, Food & Wine, Ruffled, and Garden Collage. That's a lot of press for a company trying to make the world a little sweeter.
They are on Instagram at
@Leccare_Lollipops, Facebook at
LeccareLollipops and on Etsy.
More about Custom Product Labels
When you're trying to make an impression on guests at a wedding or engaging customers in an online market, how you wrap your product takes utmost importance. You have to convey your brand and your product's story in a glance, and make a lasting impact long after the wrapper is gone. With our
custom product labels, you can pick from clear, glossy white and matte options. You get to choose your label orientation for how it comes off the roll, and you can decide if you'd like perforations between each label. It all depends on if you're labeling by machine or by hand, but your labels will be customized for your exact specifications, and they will print in full color with a durable laminate so your brand's story will get told for a long time to come.