A store that leaves you feeling like you've known the owners for decades. That is what is waiting to be found in Crested Butte, Colorado where the Chopwood Mercantile lives their passion.
Chopwood Mercantile's mission is to carry the best goods, that they wear themselves, and to put smiles on people's faces. They want to interact with guests that come in to look around and find out how thew can better equip them for the journey they are on. They have an assortment of outdoor gear for all seasons, as well as Crested Butte branded attire and accessories.
Our personal favorite is their vintage design made custom die cut sticker. It's in the shape of the mountains listing all the activities that make Crested Butte "Colorado's Year Around Vacation Center" and can be purchased at the Chopwood Mercantile as a souvenir from your adventures while in town.
In the words of the Chopwood Crew, live your passion. If you can express that with a sticker, even better.