April 25, 2014

One of the really amazing things about stickers is that they have a way of getting around. There's nothing better than distributing stickers only to find them popping up in your town, state, or in another country. It gives one a sense of pride to see their branded stickers resonating with the culture around them, and the farther a sticker makes it out into the world, the more exciting it can be to discover their level of stickering reach.
Thats just what happened recently to our customer Cheezy and the Crackers. A Reggae / Fusion / Alternative artist we make stickers for, we were lucky enough to get a message from their brand ambassador Charles Stahl who emailed us about the incredible global reach their stickers have achieved:
Email to StickerGiant:
"In our town, our stickers have made us a household name, and around this country and a few others, we are well on our way to being known just as well. We have had your stickers seen by tens of thousands of people all over the world:
In Rome @ the Colosseum

At the Legendary 8 Mile Rd in Detroit

South of the Border, SC

The Fashionable Melrose Ave - West Hollywood, CA

And even Tower Records in Japan!

We are planning to go even further this year, we have also been in correspondence with NASA about possibly getting a sticker on the inside of a shuttle that will be going into space in the next year."
We think that's some pretty cool sticker power, don't you? How far have your stickers traveled after giving them them to fans? Tell us your sticker story in the comments below: