Longmont Startup Week enters its fifth year with a custom event
sticker sheet featuring bold typography and engaging design, plus talks from members of StickerGiant's leadership team. The event will be held from July 22nd to the 26th.
Every city has a business ‘flavor’ to it. Longmont has changed dramatically over the last decade, just like most of the State of Colorado. Lately, Longmont has accelerated to exciting new heights. This town is no longer the quiet little bedroom community to Boulder. Longmont is a vibrant and exceptionally business friendly town that is well balanced with an outstanding quality of life. Most importantly, Longmont is an extraordinarily attractive town for the creative, startup, entrepreneur mindsets and existing businesses. StickerGiant relocated into Longmont's limits in August of 2016, and we've seen nothing but benefits and growth from that move.
Longmont Startup Week is a collaborative annual gathering in Longmont, Colorado, for entrepreneurs, intrepreneurs, investors and talent that invigorates and nurtures Longmont’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by leveraging Longmont’s unique human, social, and physical assets. Longmont Startup Week 2019 is a week for startups and upstarts. Entrepreneurs at all levels striving to make their passion project a thriving business (or accelerate their current trajectory) will find content that turbo-charges their venture. This extraordinary week will give attendees real-world tools and knowledge to launch, expand, and grow their venture. Thanks to
Startup Longmont for creating a program that's FREE to attend and provides outstanding learning and networking opportunities.
This year's Startup Week offers seven tracks of inspiring and enlightening content. The three core tracks center around the topics of Idea, Seed, and Growth, and they offer lifecycle-specific content for upstarts just beginning their journey to startups looking to scale. These sessions are targeted to different upstarts at different stages, and StickerGiant has speakers in the Seed and Growth tracks.
The other four tracks focus on Design, Developer, Storyteller, and Frontier to offer real-world tools and knowledge. Whether it’s better design thinking tools or exciting innovations in virtual reality – or even just how to create a better video – these tracks equip you with important skills.
Team StickerGiant has two slots for talks during the week. John Fischer, our CEO, and Beth Smith, our COO, will be talking in the Growth Track and their keynote presentation is titled
The Recipes Behind StickerGiant's Success. They will discuss each of StickerGiant's 12 Laws of Business, with a real-life example of how each law has been applied at StickerGiant in a fun and entertaining format. At 1pm on July 25th, head to Bootstrap Brewing on 142 Pratt Street for their session.
Our Marketing Director will be talking in the Seed Track about "
How to Get Your Next 500 Clients" using the example of StickerGiant’s 5 Step Proven Process to Marketing and how these simple steps can help fuel growth, help acquire new and retain current customers, and have fun while doing it. Attendees will leave this talk with an actionable list of steps they can implement today. This session will take place before John and Beth's talk on Thursday July 25 from 11:00am - 11:50am in the La Vita Bella Cafe Back Event Room.
“We have been involved in Startup Weekend since 2008, and Startup Weeks in Longmont and Boulder since they began," says John Fischer, founder of StickerGiant. "We return because these events are great for our community, and these groups serve to educate and connect the region’s next generation of entrepreneurs.”
On our blog you can read about past iterations of Longmont Startup Week, plus take a look at how the sticker sheets have evolved over time. We did
an episode of our podcast last year with one of the organizers, which is worth a listen. In 2016,
we wrote up a story about their logo sticker, and in 2017, we had a
fun story about their first event sticker sheet. And turning the Wayback Machine to 2015 and the first edition of LSW, there's
a story about the first sticker they printed for this event.
More About the Longmont Startup Week Event Sticker Sheet
This custom
event sticker sheet is a portable piece of art and functional design. The entire sheet is a theme with foreground and background elements, while the individual peel offs allow users to create a story for themselves. In total, there are nine peel offs with logos and phrases to help create an interactive experience for event attendees. There's the
Techstars branding to show the collaboration with the international startup community behind many Startup Weekend and Startup Week events. There's the rocket ship with the Colorado flag, which is sure to be a favorite sticker, and then a few phrases like Founded in Longmont, an event hashtag that reads #UpStartsHere, and other fun graphics that will look great on laptops and other places where stickers work well. Designers and organizers love sticker sheets because they allow for multiple designs on a single space, and you see how creative you can get with that sticker real estate: add in branded hashtags, logos, graphic elements and other branding for a fun and engaging way to interact with event goers.
There's no limit to what you can do with a sticker sheet for an event.