Stickers & Marketing

  • ValentineHeroV01
    February 6, 2023

    Small Businesses Can Use Stickers For Valentine's Day

    By incorporating custom stickers into your Valentine's Day marketing and sales strategies, small businesses can increase brand awareness and customer engagement. You can can use custom stickers for Valentine's Day in several ways: Offer custom stickers as a gift with purchase to customers. Sell Valentine's Day-themed stickers as a product to sell at your register or in your onlin...
  • Cedar-Bones-Studio-Holiday-Stickers-StickerGiant-Blog
    November 18, 2022

    Celebrate the Holiday Season With Custom Sticker Sheets

    It's the most wonderful time of the year once again, and the custom stickers are flowing through the sticker factory as small business all over North America prepare for the holiday season. Themed stickers are a great way to share holiday cheer, and we'll talk a little bit about how custom sticker sheets can add that little bit of magic into your business. In the photo above, you can see...
  • January 31, 2021

    JCPLove for the Jefferson County Public Library

    It's that time of year when love is in the air, and JCPLove custom stickers express appreciation for the patrons of the Jefferson County Public Library every time they pick up books. Jefferson County Public Library helps to build an educated and vibrant community by providing equal access to information and opportunities, and stickers are just one way to show thanks to their customers. "J...
  • October 23, 2019

    Sticker Sheets Create Lasting Impact

    Long May They Run is a new show from C13Originals, a division of podcast company Cadence 13 that specializes in on-demand media. Cadence 13 creates, distributes, markets and monetizes premium audio products in partnership with creators and brands. To promote season one of Long May They Run, the art team at Cadence13 printed a 4-inch by 6-inch sticker sheet. There are five different stick...
  • August 4, 2019

    Stickers and LOL's Are Everywhere

    Acronyms for Hilarity is a fun and creative game to play with your BFFs. What we love about this game and this business story is that with every order of AFH products, customers receive an oval sticker with the Acronyms for Hilarity branding. When playing Acronyms for Hilarity, players make up acronyms based on categories and letter combinations. The crazier the Acronym, the greater the ...
  • May 10, 2019

    Stickers Ask Designers to Color Outside the Lines

    To promote the official release of the new Adobe Color web experience ( on May 7th, the Adobe Color team printed these stickers as a giveaway for the launch event at the 99U conference in New York City. By picking a small, bold piece of marketing collateral, they were able give away a branded item that was fun, aesthetically pleasing, and put color front and center. "I chos...
  • April 15, 2019

    Art Can Change the World Stickers From Denik

    Denik is a brand that sells creative, cause-based notebooks, and they believe that art can change the world. They believe so passionately in that mission that they built a company around that ethos, and they went so far as to print up a custom shaped sticker to promote this goal. These bright, typed-inspired stickers go in every order that Denik ships so their customers can help spread t...
  • February 5, 2019

    Stickers help create a community of book lovers

    Book+Main is a Chicago-based business building a platform that's changing how readers find books and authors find readers. To help promote Book+Main Bites, they printed up a matte die cut sticker with their logo and website address to create brand awareness for this fresh, exciting service that connects readers to the authors and words they love. Book+Main Bites is a content-based so...
  • October 11, 2018

    Custom Stickers Remind Fans To Go See Live Music

    JamBase is a website that serves up content related to all things live music, and these custom shaped die cut stickers carry their call to action with the bold all caps JamBase font and blue colorway. Back in 1998, when the internet was far less a part of daily life, Andy Gadiel and Ted Kartzman team up to create a platform that provided an online database of live shows, with a heavy foc...