March 5, 2012

Cartoona is a tile-laying, creature-building game of strategy and chance featuring the whimsical pop art creatures of Robert Burke. The game encourages creativity, strategic thinking and social interaction. Players compete by building colorful, and sometimes hilarious, cartoon creatures from different body part tiles. Cartoona can be played in singles mode, team mode or even a solitaire mode, and there are three different game variants that will ship in the box: the full game, the basic game and a children's game. These different game variants allow for between 1 to 8 players ages 3 to adult.Sounds fun, right? Well, here's hoping we'll all get to play a round of creature-building sometime soon. Cartoona is set up on Kickstarter, the "world's largest funding platform for creative projects." It's basically where the 99% go to get their great ideas off the ground and into the market. Good luck, Cartoona! Since kids love cartoons almost as much as they love stickers, candy, and begging to use your iPhone, we have no doubt of your success.