Caja del Campeón's Stickers are Smoking Hot

April 11, 2013
Caja del Campeón's Stickers are Smoking Hot
Custom-Shaped-Stickers-with-Ladies--for-Caja-Campeon-printed-at-StickerGiant Sometimes a sticker is more than just a sticker. Sometimes it's magic. Caja del Campeón's smoking hot pinup girl series is case in point. The company commissioned these two gorgeous beauties to use within the lids of their marvelous gentleman's valet boxes. If there's a guy in your life that constantly misplaces his car keys, cellphone, sunglasses, and wallet, take note. These vintage cigar box storage units look like they were smuggled straight out of Cuba and are a fantastic gift for discriminating gents of all ages. Hemingway's Santiago's may have struggled with a giant marlin, but he never forgot to plug in his iPhone. Vivian and Victoria sit ready to greet a working man when his day is done, keeping watch over two levels of compartmentalized storage and a coin slip. There's even a handy notch for a cell phone's charger cord. What red-blooded male wouldn't be proud* to empty his pockets for these tastefully rendered temptresses?  
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