Bumper Stickers, XTREME edition!

August 1, 2012
Bumper Stickers, XTREME edition!
 Back-of-Van-With-Bumper-Stickers Now this is the car of our childhood dreams: self-expression and stickers galore. Our current BFF customer, Kurt from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, sent us these pics of his sweet ride. Makes us think of the time we kids slapped a "Vote for Carter" sticker on the Mercedes parked in our driveway one Sunday morning. Our family houseguest—a military contractor, naturally—was not amused. Ahhh, memories! Even better? The photo below is of the hood, which shows all the states this fine customer has rolled through. What a great idea, right? Happy trails, Kurt! And thank you for choosing StickerGiant! Hood-of-Car-with-Stickers
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