April 21, 2017

If it's a Friday, there's a chance that somewhere on Planet Earth a Startup Weekend of some kind is getting ready to crank into gear. In fact, we have three events this weekend, with an international location and two American college editions. There are some fun, iconic custom-shaped
die cut stickers heading to the campuses of Purdue University and the University of Denver on American soil, and then we'll be heading to the Mediterranean coast in the city-state of Monaco.
For those who don't frequent our blog, we work with many of these events because they are all about turning ideas into businesses. The focus is on action, which is something we love to see. Participants validate a problem, form teams, develop a business model, and then craft and deliver a pitch to win prizes that might take their ideas to the next level. We support the educational process and the learning involved in these sessions, plus you can't beat the networking with other entrepreneurial-minded people as well as experienced entrepreneurs there as mentors during the process. At the end of the weekend, a panel of judges formed by experts provide teams the feedback to make your startup successful. It moves fast, and hopefully some ideas come to life. We can't wait to see what these folks build.
Let's get this sponsorship train rolling, but first: a big StickerGiant shout-out to all of the organizers, mentors, facilitators, and judges who help make these gatherings such a success and who help set up a generation of future entrepreneurs.
Startup Weekend Purdue University
First in West Lafayette, Indiana at Startup Weekend Purdue University, where a black rectangle sticker will be making the rounds. There's the classic Startup Weekend beaker logo with a custom crest in Kelly Green that features the initials ENT for the Epsilon Nu Tau, the co-ed entrepreneurship fraternity on campus. They are on Facebook at
Startup Weekend DU
Here in our home state of Colorado, The Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Denver is hosting Startup DU, and the focus for this session will be ideas related to sustainability. There sticker is a pure event branding of the letters S and D with the full group name below. Our custom shape looks great on this die cut sticker, and it's small and portable for many possible options for application. Connect with them
on Facebook at StartupWeekendDU.
Startup Weekend Monaco
In the beautiful south of France is the tiny nation-state of Monaco, where a red Startup Weekend Monaco
sticker sheet with two fun custom circle event stickers will be getting placed on laptops and anywhere else that attendees want to show their love for their projects. We love this idea of placing two smaller stickers because it's a creative way to print many die-cut stickers. They have a local pattern on one sticker and their event hashtag and tagline. Really efficient, simple but also creative. Yet another reason why our Startup Weekend sponsorships are such a great reason to print custom stickers.
We look forward to seeing all of the projects that come to fruition!