Bottles up with 300 Suns Brewery

January 21, 2016
Bottles up with 300 Suns Brewery
300 Suns Brewing with custom sticker and label designs printed by StickerGiant The sun is shining on craft brewing in Longmont, Colorado. 300 Suns Brewing has been busy bottling up their favorite craft beers for people to purchase and take home to enjoy. We were excited to see 300 Suns Brewery open a couple years back when they came into our orbit in 2013. As with most craft breweries it is fun to taste and savor new beer. For a custom sticker and product label printer it is equally exciting to see the brands, names and designs of all the beers that are brewed up. 300 Suns is no exception to this, especially as they have started to bottle their beer for distribution and sale. 300 Suns Brewing launched a Slow Order Barrel Aged Stout in December and our following up with their Luminous Monk Belgian-Style Strong Ale and Cupid's A-Salt Toffee Imperial Brown Ale just in time for Cupid's big day. Something has to fuel the little guy through. The official release of Cupid's A-Salt Toffee is on January 23rd at 6pm. 300 Suns is using a mixture of our Premium White Labels and Matte Labels to properly brand their beer bottles and make them look good. They finish up with a small circle label of just their logo on the neck of the bottle. [caption id="attachment_15133" align="alignnone" width="480"]Rolling Labels printed by StickerGiant on Bottles at 300 Suns Brewing in Boulder, CO Hand Rolling Labels on Beer Bottles[/caption] [caption id="attachment_15134" align="alignnone" width="483"]300 Suns Bottles displayed with labels printed by StickerGiant Display of the new line of Slow Order Barrel Aged Stout from 300 Suns Brewing[/caption] In addition to the bottle release of their yummy craft brews, 300 Suns Brewing now has a food menu, wine and cider to compliment their selection of beer. The details in design can really boost a product launch, make sure to get crafty with custom bottle labels.
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