January 11, 2012

All art is drawn by The Owner, Joaquin M Rosas. Art driven and Influenced by Music--Born To B _ Is Up Next! VIBE Magazine spoke and Born To B answered. [VIBE Magazine (2009, January) WACK ATTACK!! -pg.88] "Over-embellished apparel like Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier: Please STOP. PLEASE." B To B Is Taking It Back To The Basics. Simple Yet Tasteful, Effortless Style. “THIS IS HOW I LIVE” That’s the Born To B Trademark. Everything I design, I Feel and Am. That’s where The Phrase comes in, and I Believe Millions Will Relate.We're digging that California Bear hoodie! And while we usually say to each their own when it comes to sartorial choices, we have to agree with VIBE on this one. Maybe it's the unrelenting "uniform" approach to dressing that has us craving some kind of originality. Cuz buddy, if half the dudes in the club are "expressing themselves" in the same outfit you are, um, perhaps it's time for a longer look in the mirror. Just ask Bill Cunningham. You, know, the octogenarian photographer for the New York Times who rides his bike all over Manhattan, looking for the fashionably daring. This guy's so good, they made a movie about him. Sometimes the storyteller is the story, you know? And sometimes, there's this guy. Well done, brave sir!