March 8, 2017

This may be the greatest thing since the toaster. Okay, maybe more like Uber.
Booster is a company that provides an app based service where they will deliver gas to your vehicle and it involves a sticker too.
Say what? Yes, it involves a beautiful custom sticker and they will deliver gas to you. How it works is pretty simple. Download the Booster app. Order a boost. Pop the door. Enjoy the day. Booster drives to your car's location, with the fuel door unlocked, or popped, they fill it up and you skip the gas station.
Booster printed up some
custom kiss cut stickers with us for users to place on their rear windshield near the gas tank to help the drivers spot the car and it qualifies them for special promotions all at the same time. The sticker design is none other than a graphic of the purple booster gas truck.
The power of stickers giving a boost to the future of gas delivery.