April 14, 2009
The folks behind Boobs Gone Bad came to us for a simple 2 color sticker to include in orders for their merchandise. We obliged with a inexpensive 2-color vinyl sticker that rocks their world.
If you have a friend or loved one that is fighting Breast Cancer you know how important it is to support their fight against this disease.

About Boobs Gone Bad As a result of friends and family who have been affected by breast cancer we're getting more involved. We've created products that demonstrate support, good attitude and determination, things any woman will benefit from whether fighting breast cancer or supporting a friend. Our company is "BGB," shorthand for our business site at www.boobsgonebad.com. While recognizing the seriousness of the matter, we also know that humor and a lighthearted approach can do much to raise spirits and attitude. Our web site offers items designed specifically to share messages of support as well as provide practical and useful help. Our "She-Ra" symbol reflects the indomitable spirit of the modern woman determined to prevail. Even better, proceeds from sales will generate donations to breast cancer research, donations that will be made in the names of our clients. Much of our motivation stems from the fact that three of our immediate family members have been affected by breast cancer, one of them eventually succumbing to it. As many of you have experienced, once you know someone dealing with breast cancer you notice just how widespread it really is. And next you notice just how important it is to have a positive, fighting spirit. These days almost everyone has a family member or knows someone affected by breast cancer. We're determined to help make a difference. Please share this letter and our site with anyone you care to. We want this message spread as widely as possible. Since the fight against breast cancer is a big ocean, we want our splash to be as big as possible. Greg & Monica