Blood and Honey Has a Unique Recipe for Sound

May 31, 2014
Blood and Honey Has a Unique Recipe for Sound
Blood and Honey custom Die Cut Stickers from StickerGiant Straight out of Seoul, South Korea, comes a duo whose take on music is unlike anything the world has experienced before. KOappC and Shiva Honey take deep bass to another level and crank up the volume with their special blend of club beats, dubstep and general appreciation of life itself. Music is meant to invoke certain feelings and help you connect to the artist on a different level, and Blood and Honey certainly gets the formula right! Citing their interests as chemical reactions, physics, math and other forms of matter, the sticker reflects their eclectic take on nature as a way to experience love, joy and music. If you're music artists like Blood and Honey, check out our Custom Printed Band Stickers to rock your fans.
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