A StickerGiant customer sent us this picture of one Big Al, all decked out in his kerchief and St. Louis Cardinals flare. Congrats on the World Series win, Big Al! You deserve to look so proud!
So what's at the root of the human urge to dress up one's pet? Let's explore, shall we?
Is it attention-seeking? True, seeing a dog wearing a mailman costume is going to get some laughs. Is it a case of too much free time? Is it a transference of our own desires to become something we're not...hence all of the completely absurd "sexy" outfits (really? sexy skunk?). Or is it simple payback for all of those stains on the carpet? If so, the dog-as-cat outfit is a real...mind trick. For the record, the so-called alluring costume category is not limited to humans. Who's a good French Maid? That's right, Fido: you are!
Thanks, for sharing, Big Al. And thanks for choosing StickerGiant. Happy Halloween!
Update: Big Al sits outside of Clarkson Wilson Veterinary Clinic in Chesterfield, MO. Woof!