September 7, 2011

Bananagrams is the creation of three generations of the Nathanson family, spanning in age from 7 – 75 years. The original Bananagrams game grew from a passionate love of games. As a family, we loved to play almost any word game that we could find, but they all had their flaws and we hankered after something a bit faster and more fluid. We wanted a game that was competitive, but that the family could play together – ALL ages at the same time.
Clearly, these Nathansons are one clever bunch. Haven't been initiated into the appealing fun world of the game? Check out more videos on the addictive, potassium-filled brainteaser.
But be aware that there's also a dark side to playing this fruit-derived word game, especially at the holidays and most especially with relatives. Picture a gathering on a cold winter's night. Suddenly, the dining room table erupts in shouting. Arguments are launched. Points are contested. Feelings are hurt. Drinks are spilled. Grandparents fighting: that, dear reader, is also Bananagrams. Consider yourself warned.