August 7, 2012

Our lovely little pizzeria serves up slice after satisfying slice of fantastic, freshly made pizza. No matter what flavours you're craving, you can rest assured that Bada Bing has got you covered.But what about that name? In these troubled times, surely we're not glorifying violence over here? Allow this college town pizzeria to explain:
Originally thought to be term used by mafia members to indicate that something (or someone) had been taken care of, the term 'bada bing, bada boom' actually has a less morbid meaning. The expression was first uttered many, many years ago in Italy to announce that pizza--not a person--was finished. Upon hearing those six syllables, family members would flock to the kitchen in anticipation of a freshly baked pie. So the next time you hear someone say those four simple words, don't worry, nobody has a gun (or a cannoli) - just a perfectly prepared pizza, and they probably want to share.See? Nothing to worry about here. It's just pizza. Search YouTube for that most delicious of one-handed foods and see what you find. Surely 5 billion pizzas can't be wrong.