November 5, 2009
[Editor's Note: Backtype was acquired by Twitter in 2011. We've kept their sticker post up to tell a good story about a great customer.]
Google is for searching web pages and finding stuff on the internet. The problem with Google is that they don't specialize in conversations, that is finding discussions of certain topics in real time.
A company called backtype is solving this issue. The search engine at backtype is pretty amazing, I searched it for a few topics I follow and it returned what I knew to be complete results ordered by time and date, with the newest topics up top.
This company is still developing its technology so I look forward to the "trends" functionality and the ability to pull rss feeds of my favorite searches.
The team at backtype needed stickers, so we did what we do best, made them stickers, so they could focus on their product. Give backtype a try it is pretty slick.