Back to school time for the Society of Women Engineers

September 5, 2017
Back to school time for the Society of Women Engineers


The Stony Brook Chapter Society of Women Engineers ordered a die cut sticker to welcome their community as a new school year starts.

This custom-shaped sticker features their logo in a cloud-like shape with a machine gear background to reinforce the engineering theme. A bold purple with a great and a yellow accent tie this colorway together, and the size of the sticker means it will work most anywhere.
The Stony Brook University Society of Women Engineers Chapter focuses on helping students achieve a successful collegiate career through personal development and growth. They enhance the collegiate experience by offering a support network with events and social activities on and off campus. We are big supporters of STEAM efforts in all levels of education, and this chapter is doing great work for their community.
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a a non-profit educational service organization dedicated to making known the need for women engineers and encouraging young women to consider an engineering education. The organization’s four objectives are as relevant today as they were almost 50 years ago:
  • To inform young women, their parents, counselors, and the public in general of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers and the opportunities open to them.
  • To assist women engineers in readying themselves for a return to active work after temporary retirement.
  • To serve as a center of information on women in engineering.
  • To encourage women engineers to attain high levels of educational and professional achievement.
The mission statement, adopted in 1985, states: The Society of Women Engineers stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. For more information on the Society of Women Engineers, please visit the official website at
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