August 25, 2011

Behold: a super-fresh custom patch produced by StickerGiant of an Imperial AT-AT Walker. Nice work, if we do say so ourselves.
Don't feign ignorance: if you're reading this blog, you're a Star Wars geek just like us. The AT-AT? It's an All Terrain Armored Transport, introduced in
The Empire Strikes Back and featured in the Battle of Hoth (that was the 5th episode, duh). It's but one of many "walker" types of transport. Not to be confused with the chicken-legged AT-ST. Speaking of Empire Strikes Back, who doesn't want one of these Tauntaun sleeping bags? You could sew your AT-AT patch onto it and be the coolest kid at computer camp. And dream about becoming
Lando Calrissian's BFF.
Oh, George Lucas! What we wouldn't give for just 10 minutes inside that brain of yours.