How to Crop an Image in AI CS6

May 28, 2013
How to Crop an Image in AI CS6
Want to trim your drawing to the exact dimensions of the art board in Adobe Illustrator? Here's a quick step-by-step ...
  1. Start with an image that overlaps the edge of the art board.
  2. Use the Rectangle Tool to create a cropping path that is the same size as the art board.
  3. Center the cropping path on the art board and send it in front of all the other objects on the art board. (Object > Arrange > Bring to Front)
  4. Using the Selection Tool, drag a selection around the art board and and cropping path.
  5. On the Pathfinder palette, click on the Crop icon.
Your image will be cropped to the art board. Crop 'til you drop!
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