5428 Breaking Bots Robot Team

March 15, 2017
5428 Breaking Bots Robot Team
5428-Breaking-Bots-Robot-Team-2017-Sponsored-Circle-Die-Cut-Stickers We are deep into competitive robotics season, and this weekend we are proud to be represented by Team 548 Breaking Bots out of Markham, Ontario, just outside of Toronto, Canada.

Team 5428 is the Markham District's FIRST robotics team. They strive to give students real world experience in business, robotics, and engineering.

Two weeks ago, members of the team competed at a district tournament at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology/Durham College, a local university. At the end of the qualification matches, the Bots were ranked 16th out of the 41 teams competing, and ultimately they were chosen by captains from other teams to advanced to the quarterfinals. What an honor. Though they played three matches (the first match ended in a tie), they unfortunately did not make it to the semifinals. They'll play this weekend, and we wish them all the best in competition. The group started in April of 2014 as a club for those interested in robotics. During this time, 15 students and a supervising teacher built and tested different Lego NXT robot designs, and then they entered a competition. And so the FIRST Robotics Team 5428 was born. Now, the team has of 84 members (from grades 9 to 12) and five teacher mentors. First Lego League is an international group devoted to Legos and engineering. It's pretty cool stuff, and we are excited to sponsor a few teams locally. You can follow the team on their Twitter handle @frc5428, Facebook page 5428BreakingBotsand Instagram account 5428breakingbots. They also have a nice YouTube page that's worth checking out. Here's a recent video they put together.
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