March 26, 2014
Leaving sticker placement up to fans alone is a missed opportunity when distributing promotional stickers. As a brand manager, you would do well to strategically apply stickers to increase instances of public exposure.
No matter what your promotional goal is when using stickers, you can exponentially increase their effectiveness by placing them where your customers will see them. The best way to do this is by first considering your target audience: Where would your customer tend to hang out?
A motorcyclist might be apt to visit a popular rest stop along a regularly traveled route, for example; while a sports fan might frequent a local sports bar. Spending the time to determine which destinations your customers frequent might be a challenge at first, but doing the research will ensure that you never waste your stickers on an audience who won't care.
Below are a few surfaces that offer the perfect place to increase your brand exposure NOW:
Packages: Do you regularly send product or service-related mail? Shipping boxes offer the perfect surface to adhere your sticker branding. You would be surprised how many potential customers are exposed to your business during transit.
Products: Whether you sell anything from homemade baked goods to custom electronics, it's very important to reinforce your branding through clearly placed label solutions. Stickers make it easy to spread your business message and keep your products looking consistent.
Direct mail: Pep up your regularly scheduled direct mail campaigns with seasonal stickers. Stickers make it easy to keep a generic mail piece looking fresh and new after each send out.
Public areas: Be sure to place your stickers
in highly trafficked public areas where your audience is likely to see them. Vehicles, bathroom stalls, ski lift poles, sports equipment, and electronics offer great surface opportunities to adhere stickers.
Unique placement: Some sticker marketing campaigns have achieved success by going above and beyond traditional venues. Like the mouthwash vendor that ingeniously placed stickers on the ceilings above dental chairs for guaranteed patient exposure, or retailers who created footprint stickers throughout supermarket isles which would lead customers to their best sales.
Have other unique suggestions that will help increase your promotional sticker return on investment? Let us know in the comments below: