January 29, 2014

Customer Adak Trailers recently asked us a few questions about how to utilize his Twitter account to leverage new business. His questions were one's we've had before ourselves, so we thought it might benefit all of our customers to learn a few tactics we use to leverage social media to drive business relationships.
In a nutshell, the best way to use Twitter and Facebook to grow your business network is to isolate a few brands that align well with your market, and begin a simple, non-invasive conversation with them via social media and when appropriate, bring the discussion to email:
So how you would go about doing that is this:
1. Go to their twitter account:

(Let's imagine that we are @AdakTrailers looking to connect with two companies that seem to be targeting similar markets)
2. Start a conversation in 140 characters:

"Hi @SitkaGear I'd love to be in touch to discuss collaboration. Had a few ideas in mind. Thx!"
"Hi @KUIU I'd love to be in touch to discuss collaboration. Had a few ideas in mind. Thx!"
3. Then, go to their Facebook pages (especially if they look more active on Facebook than Twitter):
and private message them a similar note to the one above, but add your email address and contact information. Be sure to mention your company and all that good stuff too:
"Hi Sitka Gear Team, I'd love to be in touch to discuss collaboration. Had a few ideas in mind. Thx!"
"Hi KUIU Team, I'd love to be in touch to discuss collaboration. Had a few ideas in mind. Thx!"
4. Then sit back and wait:
Begin finding and connecting with other brands that might work well for your market, and follow the same tactics.
5. Create Daily Goals:
Try to reach out to at least 25 new companies, expos, event organizers, etc like this per day. If some of them don't respond, you can try a few more tactics and then move onto greener pastures.
By reaching out to 25 new people per day, you can guarantee that a percentage will get back in touch with you. Quantity over quality for now until you hit a stride. You're true markets often begin to define themselves over time.
Do you have suggestions about how best to leverage social media to drive business relationships? Tell us how you do it in the comments below: