2015 WordCamp Lancaster

February 26, 2015
2015 WordCamp Lancaster
[caption id="attachment_12517" align="alignnone" width="600"]2015-WordCamp-Lanscaster-StickerGiant-Farm 2015 WordCamp Lancaster StickerGiant Custom Sticker Sheet[/caption] Just like last year, we are lucky, proud and generally stoked to be hosting WordCamp Lancaster. Lancaster is the heart of Pennsylvania Amish Country, and this year’s sticker design features a quilt-like pattern that’s an homage to an Amish quilt, with classic geometry, and bold, solid colors. As for this weekend’s festivities, there’s no better group of individuals than those that band together to celebrate WordPress and all of the awesome things you can do with our favorite content management platform (we run our blog on Wordpress; it’s rad). The entire day’s schedule is packed with informative workshops inspiring presentation and rockin’ parties--all with a WordPress theme. There are some other cool sponsors for this event, too. We’re proud to be in the same company as: LiteSpeed Web Server, Maintainn, LaunchDM, RedX Web Design, Parallels, YIKES Inc., Jetpack, Bluehost, WiredTree, DreamHost, GoDaddy, and WPML. If you're using Wordpress, these are all great shops to check out. Learn more about WordCamps all around the world at WordCamp Central.    
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